I know that I am partly responsible for the events that unfolded, but some days with Blackjack do test me.
I had brought both Riley and Blackjack in from the field after their overnight turnout and happy in the knowledge that they were tucked up safely in their stables, I headed off, wheelbarrow in tow, for that never-ending, unglamorous summer job, ‘poo picking’.
After said wheelbarrow was full, I headed off to Blackjack’s stable in order to tack him up for our forthcoming lesson, only to find him standing nonchalantly, munching the grass on the verge opposite his stable. Every so often, the catch on his stable door needs adjusting as it doesn’t always work properly if the door has slipped. I hadn’t noticed that the door wasn’t locked properly, however Blackjack clearly had and had taken his opportunity.
Stealth tactics
Picking up his headcollar, I quickly began to realise that Blackjack was revelling in his newfound freedom and didn’t want to be caught. Each time I approached, he sloped off. I could tell this wasn’t going to be easy. Despite my best stealth tactics, he refused to be caught and as much as I dislike having to resort to underhand measures, I bribed him with a bowl of food and lured him back to his stable.
Once he was safely back inside, I set off for the tack room. Not however before double checking that I had locked his door properly. I lined up saddle and bridle etc. outside his stable. Once again picking up the head collar I put it on him so that I could tack him up and this time he was a complete angel.
He dragged me off down the yard
I took him outside his stable door and attempted to tie him up as is our normal routine, however before I even got the rope through the tie ring, he dragged me off down the yard trying to regain his freedom. This unusual behaviour took me completely by surprise, so much so that I found myself barely able to keep hold of the lead rope and wondering if I could somehow cling on. Thankfully I did although by this time I felt that Blackjack and I had been through enough drama and emotion for one day and I decided not to ride.
When Emma (my coach) came on the yard, I could see that she was perplexed as to why Riley was tacked up instead of Blackjack. After the mornings shenanigans I needed a carefree ride, and I knew that Riley would oblige, and of course he did. We had the best canter together to date and all the troubles faded away from my mind.
Blackjack was highly delighted
I am not sure that Riley appreciated having to stand in for Blackjack’s lesson, but Blackjack on the other hand was probably highly delighted that he got to stay in his stable happily munching his hay and relaxing.
Every challenge that Blackjack brings, however testing, builds my experience and helps to grow our relationship. I know he’s worth it.
If you enjoyed reading this, you can catch up on all of the earlier instalments of the life of Riley here