This week I’m delighted to be chatting with Spanish dressage rider and trainer Adrian Munoz Jurado. Based at Aubenhausen in Germany, Adrian spends his time training horses and competing. Read on to discover more about Adrian, his ambitions, and his top tips for success.
Tell about you and your horses
Meet the highly talented Adrian Munoz Jurado
I’m Adrian Muñoz Jurado, twenty two years old from Málaga, Spain. I am a horse trainer at Aubenhausen, Germany and train horses from the basic level to the grand prix level. The horses I currently ride, are owned by Aubenhausen, sponsors and clients, mainly focusing for long term development and a few for sale.
How did horses come into your life?
I have been surrounded by horses since I was born but not in a professional way. At home we had horses just as a hobby and having fun. At the age of fourteen I discovered how big the horse world is and since then I knew that would be my job.
How long have you been riding?
Adrian as a child. Dressed in Spanish traditional clothes
I have been on the saddle since I was a few months old but just for fun or hacking. Then when I was fourteen I started to have riding lessons and learn more about this amazing world. At the age of eighteen I left Spain and went to Sweden, Holland and Germany to make sure I get a good formation and get to know how it works outside of my home.
When and where do you ride?
I ride in Aubenhausen since almost 2 years with Benjamin Werndl, Jessica von Bredow Werndl and the whole team Aubenhausen. I tried for 3 years in a row to get into this fantastic place. Now I can say I made one of my dreams come true.
How did you start riding?
I started with one of our horses at home when he was 3 years old and not yet broken, which I wasn’t allowed to do because I was very young and had no experience about breaking in. Then we brought to a professional stable and there I could get my first riding lessons.
What you and your horses currently working on?
Adrian riding Feejola owned by Aubenhausen having a lesson with Jessica in Aubenhausen live
I like to always have the basic work as a principal training. Then depending on the needs of each horse I try to get the best way of training for them for example, condition, strength, movements, mental health, ground work… etc
What do you love about riding?
The sensitivity that you can reach to communicate with your horses, and the trust they get on you. It feels like almost doing it with your thoughts.
What you would you like to be doing in the future and do you have any goals?
Adrian looking very happy with Dundee 126 owned by Aubenhausen in Cdi Mariakalnok Gp U25
I would like to keep developing myself as much as I can and training all kind of horses.
My biggest goal is being the best. And in short term is to develop my horses as much as I can and do shows with them.
Have you ever had to deal with nerves in riding?
I’m a nervous person specially before the show, but I like the feeling, it means that I really care about what I’m doing and I love to do it. Once I’m on the horse it releases and then I just focus in what I have to do and having the horse on my side.
How do deal with them?
with Benjamin and Jessica
Really deep breath and let go of the pressure in the moment that you have to show off. Then just think in to enjoy the ride and have a good time
Your Top Tip
Don’t rush in to get fast results, horses takes time and the more you try to get faster the more frustrated will be the horse, I know is easy to say that, but difficult to do, especially in stables where they are dedicated to sell horses but I always say, the more you rush the later you will arrive where you want.
Down the Centre Line
Who would be your dream horse to ride?
As an iconic horse I would say Totilas
Then there’s a lot of horses which I would love to ride to feel the energy that they would transmit to me.
Who is your equestrian hero?
I’m a big fan of Severo Jurado since I started.
Of course Benjamin and Jessica, they show me the right way and they take care of me like nobody before.
If you could have 5 people to dinner who would they be?
Principally My grandparents.
Then Cristiano Ronaldo, Sebastian Vettel, Jeff Bezos, and Daniel Ricciardo.
Favourite colour horse?
Black with white legs and face
Favourite horse event?
Spanish championship
Favourite food?
I love Spanish food but to decide for something I would say Steak and croquetas .
Favourite way to relax?
Listening to music on my own
Favourite film?
Want More?
If you enjoyed meeting Adrian you might like to view more dressage rider “chatting with” interviews here You can keep up with Adrian’s progress and check out his instagram page here