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Lily and Danubio. The pair finished in 3rd place at Le Mans CDI
This week I’m very excited to be chatting with the talented young British dressage rider Lily Laughton. 18-year old Lily is training with Emile Faurie and has already represented her country several times at Junior level and looks set for a very bright future. Read on to discover more about Lily, her ambitions, and top tips for success

Tell us about you and your horses

Lily and Danubio. The pair finished in 3rd place at Le Mans CDI
Lily and Danubio. The pair finished in 3rd place at Le Mans CDI
Hi my is Lily Laughton and I am an eighteen year old dressage rider based in Wiltshire. I have recently just sold two of my Junior horses Danubio (Darcy) and Horatio VCG. Darcy was a 9 year old gelding (Decurio x Avantgarde) who I owned since a 5 year old and we competed internationally at Junior level several times, including top 3 placings, such as Le Mans CDI. Horatio was a 10 year old gelding (Don Shufro x Jazz) whom I also competed at Juniors and Young Rider level with many successful placings. I am currently competing Leiveling HN who is a 6 year old mare (Lord Leatherdale x Wynton) who I bought in Holland in April. We are still a very new partnership, she has already been in the top 3 at both her Premier League/ High Profile debuts with both scores being above 73%. I am also very fortunate to be training with Emile Faurie.


How did your horses come into your life?

  My mother loved horses and always had horses so therefore I was very lucky to always be surrounded by them. She had many lovely dressage horses as I was growing up. I used to have a few jumping ponies but my passion for dressage came when I was very lucky to sit on my mother’s Grand Prix horse.


How long have you been riding?

  As I as it sounds, for as long as I can remember.


When and where do you ride?

lily laughton with Lieveling HN
lily with Lieveling HN
I am very lucky to have my horses at home. I have been at boarding school from a young age, so I had to juggle coming back and forth to ride my horses. But I generally came out three times a week excluding weekends to ride.  

How did you start riding?

  I got my first pony when I was just four years old. I used to have a passion for showjumping which I did until I was ten years old and then I got my first dressage pony when I was eleven years old, whom I bought from Germany, and he was very successful at the Bunderschampionate. But the pony that started my career in dressage was Steendieks Cadillac who I bought as a 5 year old from Denmark who I then competed Internationally including being part of the Nations Cup team in Hagen and being longlisted for the Europeans in Poland.


What are you and your horses currently working on?

  This year is Lieveling’s first year of competing, so I am just taking my time with her, but she absolutely loves to perform. The bigger the atmosphere the better she is. We are competing at Advanced Medium, but we are currently working on the tempi changes and pirouettes which she is finding so easy, but she is still so young so I can’t get ahead of myself.


What would you like to be doing in the future and do you have any goals?

  Short term I am hoping to be working abroad and gain as much experience as I can so I can make myself a better rider for Lieveling and future horses. But long term, I would love to be competing Grand Prix Internationally.  

Have you ever had to deal with nerves in riding?  

Trot up at Le Mans CDI
Trot up at Le Mans CDI
  I am very fortunate that heading into the arena I can keep a cool head and stay calm, but I am lucky to have a sports psychologist that supports me. But, of course leading up to big competitions I can feel a few nerves which many other athletes do.  

How do you deal with them?

  I have always worked with my sports psychologist to create the best mindset possible as I believe it is a crucial part of competing at your best. It has helped me to stay focused at big competitions and concentrated on just my horses.


Your Top Tip

  My top tip would be don’t compare yourself to others, focus on yourself and also don’t take anything for granted, take any opportunities that arise and just enjoy every moment.  


Down The Centre Line


Who would be your dream horse to ride?

  Jessica von Bredow-Werndl’s Dalera BB


Who is your equestrian hero?

  There are so many inspirational riders who I look up to but Isabel Werth, as I admire what a strong competitor she is.  

If you could have 5 people to dinner who would they be?

  Albert Einstein, Sir David Attenborough, Martin Luther King, Charles Darwin and Nelson Mandela


Favourite colour horse?



Favourite horse event?   Hagen or Bolesworth were amazing to compete at  


Favourite food?

  Sushi or avocado on toast  

Favourite way to relax?

  Spending time with friends  

Favourite film?

  I love so many films but Mamma Mia

Want More?

If you enjoyed meeting Lily  you might like to view more dressage rider “chatting with” interviews here    You can keep up with Lily’s progress and check out her instagram page here  

Sharon Howe

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